Well, I am happy to say I did not take as many pictures this Christmas as normal. I'm happy to say that because instead of being behind the camera, I was able to be enjoying the festivities instead. It was a fun Christmas and I must say age 5 might be the perfect age for Christmas! Madi was excited beyond belief about Santa and the reindeer (she's a bit animal obsessed so she cares more about the reindeer than Santa) and was fascinated by the Christmas story still. Eden at 3 is also a fun age - where she could care less aboutthe multitude of presents - she gets one she likes and is done.
A few highlights of Christmas...
-Madi has been begging for an animal - any animal!! - but with Eden's allergies we can't commit to a dog. So we got them a guinea pig! They could not have been more thrilled! Madi sits by the cage, sings to Gordy, "reads" to him and is working hard on getting him to feel "comfortable" with us. We have a wonderful friend Amber who has had guinea pigs for awhile - so she is coming over tomorrow to teach the girls about how to care for it. Yeah!
-Eden asked for "bubble gum and tax" for Christmas. We have NO idea what the "tax" is - and if it is "tax" or "tacks" or "tacs" but needless to say she was ecstatic to get bubble gum. She just gets really upset if we leave off the "and tacks" when we mention her gum.
-the girls also got a kid's digital camera to share. I guess they've watched mom take lots of pics because Madi was HILARIOUS! "Okay, everyone get over here now. Okay, mom move a little this way. Hmmm... dad, can you pick up Eden actually I can't see her. And let's try that again but this time can you move here..." and so on. Adorable. Made me proud.
-this Christmas we had the girls give gifts to some of their friends - they had to give something of their own that they liked (not really a gift if it's broken or you don't like it!). It was amazing to watch their generosity as they were giving things I was wanting to hold on to because "it's too expensive" or "too new"... but what am I teaching them then? We made notes explaining why they chose those gifts for their friends. Definitely a major highlight of the holidays for me.
-I got way too much and won't begin to mention gifts as I'll leave something out - but wanted to mention one thing. My sister gave me "Dirty Dancing" (the musical in Toronto!) tickets for me and her for my birthday today!! She knew Mark had NO desire to go - but I did!! Can't wait to go see it in Feb with her!!
And a few photos of the festivities...
Although I didn't get a photo of it (since we were rushing out the door) Madi put about 15 of these bows in her hair for church on Christmas Eve. I let her wear them as she was SO proud. She looked beautiful - as only a 5 year old can.

Eden was so excited about her slippers - she wore them saying "I got slippers!" quite excitedly.

Our girls are book-aholics (which I love). They received a ton of books for Christmas - here they are hearing the Christmas story with Grandpa (my dad).

The girls got two big presents to share... one was a guinea pig (now named Gordy)

and the other was a kids digital camera - here's Madi taking a picture of the tree

And the girls all cleaned up and ready to go see family!

Opening presents at their cousin Hannah's house

Every year my parents take the grandkids out shopping for gifts for the family - and every year Hannah (now almost 7) buys my dad gumballs. She gets SO excited about giving him gum balls. Thing is - my dad doesn't ever chew gum - but Hannah loves to! Smart little girl!

Cohen reading a book with dad

The country girl rolling a snowball for a snowman

And the city girl's snowman attempt

Then Boxing Day (my birthday!) we head up north of Guelph to Mark's family's Christmas festivities. We stopped in Guelph for a visit with his grandpa ("Poppy" as we call him) which was very special. Here is Poppy with just a few of his grandkids and great grandkids.

And Poppy and the girls getting a quick snuggle before we leave

Then on up to the farm. The girls had fun with all their cousins! A few of them here...

Jack (Who Eden asked "Can I marry you today?")



and there was lots more kids and people - but I tried not to snap too much!
A fun couple of days - but I'm so glad to be home now and just hang out with the family and let them enjoy their gifts!
Labels: just for fun